Your Group’s Outdoor Camping Adventure Gear Checklist
Group outdoor adventures can be a great way to provide your group with the experience of being in nature, but also build strength and unity in your group relationships. One of the most interactive ideas is a weekend camping trip. Here are some steps to take to help plan a weekend camping excursion and make certain your group has the optimal outdoor adventure.
Make sure everyone has their own gear and if not, plan to have a group member who owns extra gear to bring theirs. You can also rent things like extra tents, sleeping bags, or screen houses to augment the gear that group members already own. You may even be part of a group where the members bring guests; so renting all the gear will be a necessity.
Plan ahead for this situation and do a thorough checklist before you head out for your camping trip. There is really nothing worse than showing up for an outdoor adventure missing some of the essentials. Below is a list of some of the most important camping gear to put on the checklist for your group outdoor camping adventure.
Basic Overnight Camping Gear
- Tents – Make sure you provide enough safe sleeping space for all your group members. Unless you are part of a true wilderness expedition, then you will really want to consider the safety of tents. Make sure you provide enough room for everyone to sleep as comfortably as possible.
- Cooking – If you are not planning on truly roughing it using a fire to cook, or eating cold cuts all weekend, be prepared with a cooking stove of some type. You will also want to be sure to bring a supply of basic utensils.
- Sleeping Bags – Unless your members are interested in sleeping out in the bug filled night, it's a good idea to provide every member with a sleeping bag of their own.
- First Aid – It is essential that your group bring at least one fully stocked first aid kit. Having a second kit available is also a great idea.
- Weather Gear – Make sure all your campers have weather gear on their supply checklist. Even when you have already made a decision to leave, or cancel your outdoor activities if the weather turns bad, you still may have to spend some time packing up and leaving. Be sure to be prepared even if you think you have a clear forecast projected for your outing.
Outdoor adventures such as a weekend camping trip are a great way to build group unity. But, heading out without being prepared can spoil the best laid plans. Make sure you cover all the items on your camping checklist and help insure your group has a rewarding experience. For more information, contact companies like Rocky Mountain Recreation Of Utah Inc.