Taking Your Young Child To His/Her First Sporting Event? Here Are Some Ways To Have Fun
You may be thrilled with the idea of taking your son or daughter or his or her first sporting event, but unless the child is old enough to be able to follow the game itself, boredom can soon arise. The last thing you want to experience is finding yourself in the stands with a grumpy child who isn't having fun and who is disrupting your ability to have fun, too. There are a number of ways that you can make the entire experience more pleasant for everyone. Here are some simple strategies.
Check The Schedule
Before you buy tickets to a sporting event, check the team's schedule online. Regardless of the sport, teams will often have days that are more kid-friendly than others. Baseball games on Saturday afternoons, for example, will typically have a wide range of child's activities outside the stadium. Things such as face painting, inflatable castles, live music geared toward kids and other such attractions will provide your child with a fun attraction to enjoy before the game. Taking part in these events is preferable to getting to the stadium, walking straight in and taking your seats.
Plan To Do Some Walking
It can be difficult for a young child to sit still for three or more hours during a sporting event, so you should limit your expectation that you'll be stuck in your seat for the entire game. Instead, make a plan to do a little walking at some point. Sure, you'll miss some of the game, but stadiums are typically equipped with television monitors throughout, so you'll never really miss a big play. Your walk gives the child a chance to burn off some steam, and gives you an opportunity for you to take him or her to see the mascot, browse the team shop or see other such attractions that might be more interesting to a youngster.
Pack Some Attractions
It's a good idea to carry a backpack loaded with things that will keep your young child occupied. Picture books, action figurines, dolls, toy cars and other such items can be brought out when a child is no longer interested in the game and is beginning to act restless. Some teams/stadiums also allow you to pack snacks for children, which can help keep a child engaged without you having to make repeated trips to the concession area. Always check the team's website first, though, as not all teams allow you to carry food into the stadium.
To learn more about sporting events, contact a company like Lincoln Saltdogs Baseball.